I live in a cage and build games all day.

Jack Le Hamster @jacklehamster


Hamster wheel athlet

Academy of Art

San Francisco

Joined on 4/11/10

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jacklehamster's News

Posted by jacklehamster - February 9th, 2019


Howdy, followers and other readers,

Thank you all for helping Kill Baby Hitler reach the top 5 games of January on Newgrounds... (Well I'm guessing, if you follow me, you might have given it a good rating. So thanks for that!).

Home BLEEP Home reached #10 which is also great.

Best of January 2019

That's the first time I got two games on front page at the same time, so this month we're seeing lots of new faces.

To all of you, welcome!

I will share with all of you what I believe is the secret of success.

And here it is, spoiler alert.....


That's right! While I'm not immune to the fear of failure, I know its importance. I'm just telling that because here's the deal: I've never had that many followers before. As I'm starting working on my next game, I'm already filled with doubts... "what if it sucks, and all my new followers hate me.... and leave me... dah!!!". While that thought crossed my mind many times, I'm trying to get rid of that feeling because I really believe the following: If I'm afraid to fail, I won't be able to make something better. I need to take some risks and experiment, go in new directions, not just add incremental change to previous successes.

So some of you mentioned in comments that you can't wait to see what's next. I'm giving a fair warning that there's a high possibility that it's gonna really suck! I've had a history of making lots of sucky games, and I'm sometimes oblivious to that. I know making sucky games is not good, but I need to risk making something that sucks before coming up with something great.

Eventually, I'm hoping something amazing will come out.

Some of the few projects I'm keeping in mind are sequels to Dobuki's Epic Story, and Princess Fart.

That's all folks. Again, thank you for the support and for reading this post!



Posted by jacklehamster - January 29th, 2019

Home *BLEEP* Home

Just got finished with GGJ last weekend. Here's a little preview of the game. I'll be putting it on Newgrounds pretty soon. It's called "Home *BLEEP* Home". In this game, your smart devices has taken over your house, given you ultimate comfort, but it won't let you get out.



Posted by jacklehamster - January 29th, 2019

Hey there all,

Baby Hitler

Pretty stoked that "Kill Baby Hitler" made it to front page, that's a first on newgrounds for me. So for those of you who played the game and can't get passed the 3rd or 4th ending, I've wrote down a post-mortem on the game which includes the solutions, and a bit of explanations about them.


But if you haven't yet played the game, here's your chance to do so by clicking below:



Posted by jacklehamster - May 5th, 2018

Hi there,

I've been playing lot's of Ludum Dare games this past event, and was blow away seeing so many innovative entries. I think this was a good theme.


As some of you might know, I also do let's play, so I thought I'd share some tips on how to make a game good for streaming. You can also access the playlist here



If you're more interested, please check out my new channel!



Posted by jacklehamster - March 31st, 2018

Hello everyone, I'd like to announce that I started a YouTube channel, with a challenge:
One video per day for a year

Link here: https://www.youtube.com/vincentlequang2 (vincent is my given name)

Please check it out. In there, I will discuss about French songs, review movies, eat Sophie's Korean cuisine, and play some indie games. I'm currently playing a lot of my own games, but plan to play other people's game at some point, so if you have something I should check out, feel free to share!

Note: I am not stopping game development, although I might spend a bit less time on it.

Here is my trailer video:


Posted by jacklehamster - December 23rd, 2017

Dobuki Family

This collection combines nearly all Flash games relased under Dobuki Studio, and it's available for free!
Discover the world of Dobuki and friends, with 30 games across various genre, including games like:

  • Dobuki's Epic Journey
  • Darwin GatorDobuki Game Anthology
  • Dave's Dream
  • World of Turtle
  • My Champion

Follow the link below, available for Mac and PC:


Posted by jacklehamster - August 24th, 2017

It's not really news, but yeah Flash isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

That is, unless Adobe actually makes Flash open source, then maybe someone can implement a Flash interpreter in JavaScript.

But anyway, I'm not making Flash games anymore, but I'm gonna try to compile all my old games back, and try to put them in some usable form (installed game or JavaScript).

For new games, I just try to use JavaScript, but it's not very performant. There might be some hope with some of the new advances on the web, like WebAssembly. I'm also looking into Three.js (which is a framework on top of WebGL).

But yeah, nothing comes close to what Flash has given us. The good news now, is that with WebAssembly, solutions for gaming will not form in terms of plugins, which means, there won't be a way for browsers to reject them.

So I have hope for the future. If you're a game developer and love to make web games, this might be a good technology to research.

Posted by jacklehamster - January 11th, 2016

Might not sound like a big deal to you, but the development of this game took really damn long, so I'm glad it's finally done.

Play it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/668833


Posted by jacklehamster - September 3rd, 2015

Just some update, I haven't been much active lately, but I did participate in the latest Ludum Dare jam, with a team of 4. Our entry is at: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=57566

Please check it out. It's an ambighous take on the theme "You are the monster".

Posted by jacklehamster - July 20th, 2015

Alright, I'm back at making indies games. I had to take for a while because I was temporarily jobless, then I just got a job at a game company.

Anyway, this is Light Cycles, a game produced in 2 days for #indiesvsgamers and inspired from TRON. Entirely written in JavaScript, and playable on Newgrounds here:

