I live in a cage and build games all day.

Jack Le Hamster @jacklehamster


Hamster wheel athlet

Academy of Art

San Francisco

Joined on 4/11/10

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jacklehamster's News

Posted by jacklehamster - April 17th, 2015


It's not on Newgrounds yet, because I want to make sure to get the complete game first. The game was released for the #AdventureJam, which groups a bunch of point-and-click adventure games produced in 2 weeks.

Oozie plays with himself is a game where you get to travel back it time and meet your own self. It's the same concept as Dave's Dream. Still don't really understand the concept? Check it out, you'll see!

Oozie's hex room



Posted by jacklehamster - April 16th, 2015

Dave's Dream

Oozie plays with himself








Dave's Dream is getting a sequel!

In the original game, Dave was trapped in his dream, or I should say a nightmare, where he kept killing himself and restarting the day from the beginning. The reason for his depression is because he was fired from the job, caught by his boss while he was making a game at work.

After waking up, Dave got inspiration from his dream, and decides to make a game out of it. Things seems to go smoothly but his friend Oozie keeps bugging him while his working on his game. Finally, he's done making it, but accidentally traps himself and his friend inside the game itself. Now it's up to Oozie to explore Dave's gameworld, looking for the bug that Dave needs to fix in order to return to reality.

In Dave's Dream 2, dubbed as Oozie plays with himself, we reuse the mechanics from Dave's Dream that let's you travel back in time and play with your former self. Notable changes:
- We replaced the gun with a time travel device, so you don't have to constantly suicide during the game
- Time doesn't rewind to the beginning of the game, but only the beginning of the level. You can also reset all your past selfs simply by exiting the level and going back.
- Oozie puts on a random attire each level, which makes it easier to identify the real you.
- We're adding dialogs this time.

I hope you like those changes, whether you've liked or hated or didn't even play Dave's Dream.

Oozie plays with himself will be released on Gamejolt as a demo for #AdventureJam, which ends tomorrow. The Newgrounds version will be released later, after turning the demo into a full game. If you'd like a sneak pick, check out the gamejolt version, or you can wait for the release to get the full game experience.


Posted by jacklehamster - March 30th, 2015

I'm putting Dobuki's Epic Journey on hold (again), because I need to spend 100% of my gamedev energy on learning and making a game in Unity. I'll get back to it afterwards, Dobuki's Epic is looking pretty awesome and I do plan to finish it!

Posted by jacklehamster - March 29th, 2015

It's been a while since I haven't put out a game that's not completely silly, retarted, or cute, or all funny and stuff. This time, I released Dave's Dream. A game that deals with serious topics like depression, suicide and dreams.

The game was released for a 2 day gamejam called #MeatlyJam, with the theme "Life as a Game Developer". In this game, Dave, a developer passionate about making games, is working on a gamejam when he gets caught by his boss. The story isn't explicit but we can guess things didn't go well, as Dave is later lying in bed, depressed, and contemplating suicide. Perhaps if he just closes his eyes and get himself lost in his dream, he can find a groundbreaking game idea that can save him.

The idea for this game is inspired by a recent Tom Cruise movie called Edge of Tomorrow. (Or Live. Die. Repeat). For some reason, I've been watching lots of Tom Cruise movies lately.

For this game, I also envisionned concepts like time travel. This is the result, a game in which you basically go back to the beginning by dying, get reborn, and interact with your former self to advance and solve puzzles. I have a hard time explaining the concept, but it's kinda like Edge of Tomorrow, or Groundhog Day. I guess you can also compare it with Back to the Future, where Marty meets another version of himself.

Please check it out here. Also check out the other #MeatlyJam submissions.


Posted by jacklehamster - February 5th, 2015

In case anyone's interested, I'm back at working on this game I started 2-3 years ago.

I will try to finish it for #FinishAGameJam.



Posted by jacklehamster - December 20th, 2014

More details here.


Posted by jacklehamster - June 27th, 2014

Posted by jacklehamster - June 26th, 2014

Posted by jacklehamster - June 14th, 2014

I was getting sick of looking at my NG profile, and it occured to me. It's that damn picture of Randy Quaid coming from my own post!

I need to find something to post, just anything so that I don't have to see Randy Quaid's face anymore.

That's it, I got a Tutorial for making multiplayer games in Flash. I will share that instead. You can find the tutorial on my blog right here: https://jacklehamster.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/tutorial-create-realtime-multiplayer-games-using-player-io-part-1-server/

Player.IO makes it really easy to produce multiplayer games. It's now own by Yahoo so it has a different name, but I find Player.IO more catchy and easy to remember.

  • You can work with or without server implementation to produce a game.
  • There's support for a database, where you can implement a leaderboard
  • Clients supported are ActionScript, Objective-C, Unity, Java., C#
  • Server implementation is all in C# (but you dont' actually need that, as the tutorial shows you).

Ok I hope it's a long enough post to push Randy Quaid out of the way. Damn what a dumb post that was....

Posted by jacklehamster - February 7th, 2014

So there was this #candyjam going on, which I didn't plan to participate at all. The idea is to protest against King.com for trademarking common words like "candy™" and "saga™" (and probably "crush™" too). Ironically, all the publicity around candyjam is probably benefiting 3303991_139177042031_1bo9uR.pngKing. Last weekend was the deadline, then I thought... f*k it, let's just do it.

First, I had to find an innovative game idea. I failed at that.

Then I had to find a word that rhymes with Candy. That's it, Randy!


Last but not least, I had to find a Randy... then it just dawn to me. Of course, Randy Quaid!

Play Randy Qurush Saga on newgrounds right herehttp://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/633432

And if you really love the game, also rate it here: http://itch.io/jam/candyjam/rate/1459

And if you can't resist the awesomeness of this game, might as well rate it here and here, retweet my announcement here, donate to my website here and be my fan :-) ... HERE!