I live in a cage and build games all day.

Jack Le Hamster @jacklehamster


Hamster wheel athlet

Academy of Art

San Francisco

Joined on 4/11/10

Exp Points:
312 / 400
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.62 votes
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3m 9d

jacklehamster's News

Posted by jacklehamster - January 13th, 2023

World of Turtle is released again as a demo with 30 levels on Newgrounds:

And the full version is released on Steam:


And I'm here to answer all your burning questions:

  • Wait, isn't this a remake of an old game?

Indeed, this is a remake of World of Turtle, which was previously a Flash game. This new version is remade in JavaScript with better graphics and sounds.

  • What's new with this remake?

A lot! You get full gamepad support, ability to rotate and zoom, a new theme song for each stage along with a jukebox option, the game is playable on touchscreen, and I actually added a few bonus levels at the end.

  • I already finished the Flash version. Why would I buy the game on Steam?

So you've been enjoying playing my game for free so far huh? Hey, support me already!

Think of this as a long term investment. The sooner I get financially independent, the sooner I can spend my time doing nothing else than making games that you enjoy. Plus I'm sure you already forgot the solution, so you'll spend plenty of time going through the levels again.

  • I prefer to play the game through Newgrounds. Can I do that?

Hey good news, you can actually unlock the Newgrounds version using a key generator, contained in the full version of the game... Hum... I guess if you know someone who bought the game, they could also unlock your version. I'll turn a blind eye if you do it discretely, and definitely don't ask ME to unlock it for you!

  • When will you be making new games?

I'm working on it. Be patient! Meanwhile, enjoy this game and other free games I made on Newgrounds!




Posted by jacklehamster - December 31st, 2022



Posted by jacklehamster - December 30th, 2022

I am preparing an upcoming release for Steam:



It should come early January, and I will have a demo version with 30 levels on Newgrounds!

(for those of you who have seen something like this before, yes it's a remaster of World of Turtle, with better graphics, music, controls, and a few bonus levels).



Posted by jacklehamster - December 23rd, 2022

Just made this game for Secret Santa Jam:

It's basically a Jam where for making a game as a gift for another participant of the jam, being their "secret Santa".

My giftee included 3 devs, so I tried to accommodate...

Anyway, please check it out, and feel free to vote on it on itch.io: https://itch.io/jam/secret-santa-jam-2022/rate/1845837


Posted by jacklehamster - August 26th, 2022

Yeah, it's been a while since I announced I was gonna make a shitty game and release it. Well, I hope you find this one quite decent. I just wanted to see how much game mechanics I can replicate from Phantasy Star.

In this game, you just need to level up your character, explore, and find a way to escape out of the planet.



Posted by jacklehamster - March 26th, 2022

I haven't made a game for a while... Well, "duel" and "impossible room" weren't that long ago. But I don't know, I still feel I have been very unproductive gamewise lately. I had plan to make sequel to Baby Hitler, but that never came out. I wanted to remake World of Turtle, create the following to Dobuki, and a bunch of other games... but none of this materialized.

So I think it's time to just throw myself out there again. I need to be able to make a SHITTY game.

I can't make a sequel. There's always so much expectation to make it better and true to the original.

I just need to make a game without any expectations for myself. I need to think that whatever I make next doesn't need to be carefully crafted. I just need something to come out.

So hopefully, I'm putting this disclaimer out there, just so I can feel free to make something, and we'lll see how it goes.



Posted by jacklehamster - February 11th, 2022

A couple days ago, I released Duel:

This marks an important milestone for the dok-game engine. Previously, "Impossible Room" and "I lost Eva" were built with that engine, but Duel is what I could consider "codeless". The entire game can be defined with a giant chunk of JSON. This is a step towards making games entirely from within the game itself!


Posted by jacklehamster - February 11th, 2022


Posted by jacklehamster - February 1st, 2022

Recently I participated in the Jamuary2022 challenge, and made 1 song for every day in January. For me, the primary theme was sci-fi.

Here are is the playlist of all 31 songs.

Among them, my 5 personal favorites:



Posted by jacklehamster - December 23rd, 2021

Hi there,

do you leave in Orange County? Wanna work on making games?

I'm starting a meetup on Game Development, hoping to start something big.

But anyway, if you're nearby and don't have anything to do on Dec 26, 2021, I hope to see you:

https://www.meetup.com/drunken-game-dev/events/282828872 at 5pm.

See you there!
