So there was this silly project I started. At first, the idea was to make a game where a hitchhiker simply goes from planet to planet, looking for his dream planet. All he gets are clues from aliens on various planets.
The idea was ok, but to work, it needed a great story. Not sure why, but I really got writer's block on this one. I came up with dialogs but I have to admit I didn't really get inspired, and I'm almost feel shameful to admit I wrote them.
Anyway, I was going to just put the game up and not care much about it (we didn't really spend much time on it anyway), but I came up with another idea. I'll let you guys fill up the game with dialogs ;-P If nothing, I hope it can become an interesting social experiment. You can also change the look of the alien (see below, I added a stupid hat). You could actually redraw the alien completely, because all you do is upload a 90x90 png. It uses the Newgrounds API to store all those images.
This game will be released probably early next week. I don't plan to work much more on it, just get the project off my plate. However, if you do have a suggestion, feel free to let me know.
The game is here: